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How to Care for Your Crystals - The Crystal House

How to Care for Your Crystals

Crystal energies work 24 hours a day to have a positive effect on your life and lifestyle.  During the course of a single day, your crystals may absorb energies from you, your environment, and other people they come in contact with, so its important to cleanse them regularly. 

When to Cleanse Your Crystals

Our definitive answer is – You just know. But in case you’re not sure, here are some symptoms that may help you decide if it’s time to do a cleanse.


My crystal isn't as energetic.
If your favorite crystal has stopped giving you the results you’re used to getting when you have it around, its probably time for a cleanse. If the energy of the crystal is much lower than usual, or maybe you’re not feeling anything at all, it may be time to cleanse it and see if that helps bring the energy back.
My crystal hasn't been cleaned in a while, or ever.
Some people never clean their crystals, and that’s okay depending on the variety of crystal. Some crystals don’t need to be cleaned like: Selenite, Citrine, Amethyst, Carnelian and Kyanite. The others will need a little rejuvenation every now and then.
My crystal feels heavier than usual.
Some say that when a crystal has collected enough energy, it will begin to feel “heavy”. Some crystals are like sponges. They collect energy until they’re full and then they can crack, break, or simply stop working. If this is what you are experiencing, you may need to clean your crystals.
My crystal was used, held, or carried by other people.
Crystals are kind of like toothbrushes. You don’t want everybody using it. There’s no need to become the crystal police, though. Just use one of the options below to clean your crystal before you work with it again.
My crystal doesn't feel like anything.
If you’re not feeling connected to your crystal’s energy, and it’s something that you’re used to feeling, then a cleanse might do some good. Often times, we’re so busy using the crystals, we can forget that they do get spent. Imagine if your friends, were leaning on you for assistance. You’d be happy to help, but at some point you’ll need a drink of water – or something. Crystals are just like that.
My crystal jewelry feels - blah.
Maybe your crystal used to give you a happy jolt of energy and now it doesn’t? It’s very common to experience a change in your crystal jewelry. The energies of the stone, especially if you wear it a lot, get worn out. Clean your jewelry. and give your stone a little extra attention.


How to Clear and Charge Your Crystals

Crystals are from the earth, so simple earth elements are really all that is needed. Clearing your crystals removes any collected or stored energies. Charging your crystals amps up their energy.

Some of the options below do both. We’ve noted them with the battery symbol to indicate that they both clear and charge your crystals.

Some people light candles, say a prayer, or choose a specific day or night of the month – like the new moon or full moon. Tending to your crystals doesn’t have to be a grand ritual. Some of us, just sit them by a sunny window or wait until it rains. How you choose to work with your crystals is completely up to you, and what fits your lifestyle. Set a monthly reminder with Alexa or Google. Set a recurring appointment on your calendar. The most important thing is to clear and charge your crystals so they can do their best work for you!


Sunlight is one of the best ways to clear and charge your crystals. The sun is natural. The crystals are natural. It just works! The sun is very powerful, and it may fade some stones like Celestite, Citrine, Smokey Quartz and Amethyst. Opal-lovers, beware. The sun can have adverse effects on your stone, and may even cause cracking.
New Moons and Full Moons are popular times for clearing and charging your crystals. The moon’s energy is just as powerful as the sun! All crystals can benefit from moonlight, even if the sky is overcast, or if it’s raining. You can sit them outside, or by a window and let them soak up the moonlight. The window doesn’t necessarily have to be open, but it’s much better if it is.
When you need to clear crystal energy in a hurry, smudging is an option that works fast. Light just the tip of your smudge stick, and hold your crystal in the smoke. When you feel like its clear, you’re done. That’s it! Popular smudges are: Sage, Palo Santo, Mugwort, Cedar, or Yerba Santa. You can even smudge yourself to release any negative energy attachments that have been picked up by your aura.
Rain Water
Rain water carries a cleansing and charging energy of its own. You can sit your crystals in a bowl out in the rain, or you can collect the water in a bowl or jar, and then put the crystals in the water at home. As a general rule, stones ending in -ite should not be in water. Also, black tourmaline may be damaged in water of any kind. Make sure your stone is water-friendly.
A much slower but effective clearing, natural earth is an option. Earth can be dirt from your yard or a park, or sand from the beach. Ideally you want to bury your crystals in the earth for a couple of days. The longer it is under the earth, the better. If you need to use your crystals soon, this is probably not the best option.
Natural Water
In addition to rain water, any other natural body of water can clear a crystal – ocean water, river water, freshwater, streams and brooks can clear your crystals. Be careful not to let your crystals wash away. You can always collect the water then put your crystals in a glass container with the water.
Flowers and Plants
You can clear your crystals with the energy of flowers and plants. Put your crystal in a container with the petals of a flower, or leaves of a plant. It helps if the symbolism of the flower or plant is connected to the purpose of the stone.
Tibetan singing bowls aren’t just for us! They’re for your crystals too. You can use bells, drums, binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies or tuning forks to clear your crystal’s energy field. Sound may be used for all crystals.
Brown Rice
It is said that brown rice can absorb negative energies from a crystal. Put the brown rice in a non-plastic container, then push your crystals down into the rice. Leave your crystals in the rice overnight, or longer. The next day or so, take your crystals out, and discard the rice. Don’t eat it!
Use Other Crystals
Crystals and stones like Amethyst, Carnelian and Selenite can clear other crystals. Put your crystals so that they’re on or touching the clearing crystal and leave it for a few hours. Selenite is a very popular stone for clearing other stones! Selenite bowls, charging plates, and other selenite tools are effective in keeping your crystals clear.
Copper Pyramids and Triangles
These gems clear and charge your crystals. Copper is a powerful conductor of energy. With your crystals placed inside, the energy generated does all the work. Align one side North and place your crystals inside – right in the middle. It’s amazing to feel the energy afterwards!
Reiki practitioners can use the Universal Energy, Chi, to both clear and energize crystals. Hold them in your non-dominant hand and send the Reiki energy to the crystals, with the intention of raising them to their highest vibration. Use your attunement symbols.
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