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The Crystal House - Crystals, Stones and Crystal Energy-Infused Products for Everyday Life

Agni Manitite Tektite

Awakening, Astral Travel, Kundalini,
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Agni Manitite is a type of stone known as a tektite. Tektites are formed from solidified natural glass that was created when a meteorite impacted the Earth. Agni Manitite specifically is found on the island of Java, Indonesia and is considered rare due to its limited geographical occurrence.

The stone has been said to possess certain energy properties that, when carried, worn or held, can enhance your creativity, manifestation abilities, and adventurous spirit. Some people believe that having or using the Agni Manitite rock can make you more imaginative, help you to have the courage to effect positive changes in your life, and make you more open to try new things and have explore new experiences.

It's also said to improve one's leadership skills, bringing forth your ability to bring people together and work towards positive goals, particularly those related to peace, spiritual growth and personal achievement.
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