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The Crystal House - Crystals, Stones and Crystal Energy-Infused Products for Everyday Life

Power Pack Crystal Bundle

PPB - 0005
Ascension, Transformation, Manifestation
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: 5

This set includes one each of :Herkimer Diamond, Libyan Desert Glass, Moldavite, Agni Magnetite, and Black Tektite.

Beware - - If you’re not ready to handle this level of energy and Spiritual transformation or life transformation, don’t buy!!!

The stones are approximately 1/2 inch or larger. Medium Size.

Herkimer Diamond
Herkimer Diamonds have a strong frequency that can stimulate your psychic senses and abilities. The energy of Herkimer Diamonds is very powerful, often causing headaches, head pressure, dizziness or vertigo. These effects can be attributed to the stone's ability to activate your third eye and/or upper and etheric chakras.
They are ascension stones with the ability to boost the energy of all other stones, and is commonly paired with Moldavite. These crystals have powerful metaphysical properties and are said to help with astral travel.

Libyan Desert Glass
These tektite glass stones embody the vibration of the Golden Ray - a powerful spiritual energy - and they are recognized as extreme manifestation tools. Libyan Desert Glass works as a psychic shield, and is highly protective. Even the smallest stone's energy is powerful enough to for you to utilize, and benefit from, its energy. The soft energetic emission of LDG should not be taken lightly. With Libyan Desert Glass, you can speak your desires into fruition, and allow its creative energy to compliment your actions in your path forward. You may want to have a journal, token, or vision board to provide specific focus.

Moldavite is powerful for transformation and change. It helps you to release negative binds, and removes blinders and blockages. It reveals the true you, and heightens your abilities to see the truth in others. Moldavite frees the mind to pursue your heart's passions and promotes discovery and new experiences. Expect severe life changes, opened doors, increased spiritual awareness and heightened senses. Moldavite works with the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
Moldavite is a highly influential energy, and you will need to mind what you say. The power of your words is said to multiply exponentially, when you are carrying or wearing Moldavite. To manifest your desires, you can simply speak it into existence.

Agni Manitite
Agni Manitite, also known on the market as Pearl of Fire, is said to amplify intuitive abilities, and push you towards your life's goals. A favorite of energy workers, it transforms stagnation into forward movement, for your benefit. As a kundalini-awakening stone, its energy ranks highly for enlightenment and self-improvement. Agni is also a protective stone against negative energies, and spiritual attacks. You can expect elevated consciousness, experiences in the dream state, faster synchronicities, and manifestations, and heightened cognitive abilities.

Black Tektite (Tibetan Tektite)
Tektite, a powerful throat chakra extraterrestrial stone, is said to raise your intuition and clair sense sensitivity. Several of our customers have reported that the stone has helped notably to amplify their clairaudient abilities. It's great for channelling, spirit communication, and meditation. The energy of this stone can increase your personal vibration, and may assist with astral travel and lucid dreaming. If you are working on raising your Kundalini energy, |Tektite may help. For Manifestations, Tektite won't bring you any lottery numbers, but it will open your channels to the Divine Guidance that can help you make prosperous decisons. To charge this stone, give it lots of direct sunlight.

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